Friday, January 19, 2007

The Guardian (2006)

There's a legendof a man who lives beneath the sea. He is a fisher of men, the last hope of all thosewho have been left behind. Many survivors claim to have felthis gripping hands beneath them, pushing them up to the surface, whispering strengthuntil help could arrive. But this, of course, is only a legend.
Then, the question is "What makes a legend?". Is it what someone didwhen they were alive... or how they're remembered after they're gone? Randall( by Kevin Costner) and Jack( by Ashton Kutcher) told a story.
Jack was eager to know how may persond did Randall have saved when he heard that Randall still kept a record—saved the most lives, 200 or 300, even though jack broke many records which had been made by Randall. "What's your real number?" "22" "22? That's not bad. It's not 200. It's not..." "22 is the number of peopleI lost, Jake. Only number I kept track of." Randall cared much more about the life he's saving and the number he lost not how many he had saved.
Randall becomes a fisher of man and lives beneath the sea after he had signed for his retirement and had his last mission for an emergency.
Do enjoy the last two songs.

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