Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Seminary:What's the best time in your life?

It's been said that your high school years tend to be some of the best of your life, and that you will never again be as free of commotments and worries(Page 16, from Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun by Reginald F. Lewis and Blair S. Walker). It evokes me such a question.
Then what's ur opinion? When u were a infant, child or in primary school and so on. Most high school students aren't so happy as those in US, for their tough work and burden to pass the college entrance examnations. While I and some of classmates enjoyed ourselves in the first two years in our high school life. We can do what we want after class while the others still study hard day and night. Life became not easy till the last year and everyone always kept silent. It would mainly determine one's destination. Soon after the exams were over, all free. I would never forget the moment. I would never have it once again even though I felt like the just moment.

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